Learn How to Use Concepts for Sketchnoting

Workshop with Mike Rohde
Thanks for joining our free workshop with Mike Rohde, creator of the Sketchnote Army and author of The Sketchnote Handbook. You’ll learn how Mike uses Concepts to create sketchnotes using an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. In preparation for this unique workshop, we wanted to help you get off to a great start by providing additional resources in advance.

If you’re new to Concepts, we strongly suggest you spend 10 minutes learning the basics with our latest Quick Start Video. Mike won’t cover these details in the session, so this will help build your Concepts knowledge before the session.

If you’d like to try a free 30-day free trial of Concepts, tap this link to get started!

Be sure to download these .concept file templates in advance.

Template Created by Mike Rohde.

Example Drawing by Mike Rohde.

.concept is the Concepts native file type, including all data necessary to work with the drawing further in Concepts. You can import .concept files just like any other compatible files.

  • Download the file to your iPad

  • Open it in Concepts from the files app, open it from the Import menu or drag it into the gallery.


Additional resources: