Concepts is an infinite, flexible creative tool for all your good ideas. Available on iOS, Windows and Android.

Concepts in 2018 and Where We're Going

Concepts' progress in 2018 and what to expect for the future.

It’s been a great year for the world of natural, vector-based design. We work hard at TopHatch to develop tools that allow designers to create professional quality work on the go. With huge thanks to our community of designers, we’ve brought vectors to a new level of flexibility and expression in Concepts.

Where vectors were traditionally wires on a screen, you can now sketch with artistic, textured brushes created from actual physical media. Pressure sensitivity, tilt and velocity are finely tuned to the Apple Pencil and the iPad’s canvas. Every brush feels real yet is completely adjustable.

You can also create your own vector-raster brushes with our smooth, easy-to-use brush editor, and illustrate work unique to your brand.

Live smoothing adds real-time fluidity to your ink, polishing the shaky hand and curing a bumpy commute. Architect Osama Elfar shared about his design process: “I love the 100% smoothness most, which has eliminated using the ruler. Imagine how many rulers were broken in my bag this year (around 5).”

A must-have for vector linework, the Nudge tool was our re-imagined approach to shaping and controlling segments of lines on the canvas. Nudge helps designers adjust lines with intuitive precision and explore sketches in new ways.

At the same time, our designers requested better organization. With hundreds of drawings — sometimes per client — we heard you needed separate client workspaces, better management and efficient back-ups. Concepts’ improved Gallery offers projects, sections, sorting, and multi-file drag & drop between apps. You can organize, hide, present and export your projects at will.

We made hundreds of updates this year, and this is just the beginning of what we’re bringing to Concepts. Imagine a world where all your devices get along, where focus and flexibility are the metrics that matter most. To this end, we launched a 1.0 version of Concepts for Windows 10, Android & Chrome OS. In the next year, we hope to develop all of our platforms into a single application that works across devices.

There is so much more on the way. We hope the developments in the coming year will make your design life easier, richer, and fulfill many of your wishes. Thanks to your thoughtful feedback, we’ve made a lot of progress. You’ve asked for an exceptional list of features and we’re excited to move forward.

Thank you for your enthusiasm and for sharing your creative dreams with us. We will continue to walk the path of natural, intelligent design along with you. We’d especially like to thank our subscribers — your contribution allows us to continue creating. Thank you for believing in us! May the ultimate creative force be with you.


The Concepts Team


How to Create a Custom Brush - Learn how to use the brush editor in Concepts to create custom brushes.

Opening Doors for Infinite Creativity - What it takes to build a great app, from vision to development to user feedback. Concepts in 2019 and things to look forward to.

How We Develop Concepts - Why we develop Concepts the way we do.