
當您首次打開 概念 時,您首先會進入畫廊。這裡儲存了您的所有畫作,並以「項目」分類。

  1. Drop-down Menu.
  2. Breadcrumbs. You’re now in the Gallery.
  3. Gallery Sorting. You can change the sorting of your drawings in the project.
  4. 協助:永遠只需輕輕點按一下,即可查看有協助作用的信息(如用戶指南、程式應用影片等)。
  5. Pro商店:顯示購買狀態、所有可提高您創作效率的可購買工具或套件。
  6. Galary Settings. You can check your Gallery location here.
  7. Project List. You can see the list of your projects here. Currently there’s only one Project called “Untitled” in the list.
  8. 項目標籤:點按可修改。
  9. New Project. Tap to create a new project.
  10. Drawings. All of your drawings in this project. Swipe left / right to switch between projects or tap a project on your Project List. Tap+hold or right-click a drawing to duplicate it, rename it or delete it. You can also drag your drawings to different places with a Tap+hold.
  11. 新畫作:點按該加號按鈕開啟一張嶄新的畫作。

Concepts Accounts

You can now create a free Concepts Account to securely sync your subscription purchases between your devices. (Note that drawing sync is not available at this time.)

  1. Touch your profile icon in the Gallery.
  2. Under the Accounts tab, enter your email address and create a password. We won’t share your email, it’s our way of contacting yours truly in the Concepts universe.
  3. Confirm your email address via your email account.
  4. Voilà, you’re official! Your subscription purchases will automatically sync between your devices.
  5. While you're on the Accounts tab, would you mind telling us your interests? We'll know to create awesome content for someone just like you.
  6. You can also subscribe to our weekly newsletter filled with tips, interviews and cool stuff.