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Problem Solving for Brand Design
Graphic Designer Franz Escolastico shares how she creates unique brand and web solutions for clients.

"All of my clients have different preferences when it comes to their brand.... I always make sure that each one of their designs will be distinct and include their unique goals and visions."
Franz Escolastico - Hello! I’m Franz Escolastico, a graphics / web designer and developer based here in the Philippines. I’ve been in love with designs since I was a kid. I have a big curiosity about colors and elements that I always see in magazines, movies, commercials, and my surroundings. I think that’s the reason why I have a burning passion for creating new designs, particularly in logos and websites.
I do freelance work as a graphic / web designer and developer to clients and companies worldwide, for almost 8 years already and counting! Aside from working, I enjoy creating posts on my social mediums such as Instagram and Facebook. I also share tips, tutorials, and product/tech reviews on my YouTube channel. It’s really fun and I enjoy doing those things and interacting with people online.
If I’m not working or creating my posts, I mostly spend time watching Netflix series, playing PS4 games (I’ll also be working on my gaming stream soon, ha ha!), food trips and having fun together with my siblings and my partner.

What are your primary goals as a graphic designer?
I love to create new things digitally, and as a graphic designer, my goal is to innovate new designs that will help a lot of brands and companies worldwide. A great design shares a relatable user experience and aesthetic, and will help the brand to gain more impact in the world.
How do you connect with a business, key idea or message, and cement it into a graphic design or brand? What is your creative process like when working on a design such as a logo?
I’m a problem-solver and I think that’s the key part in creating designs for brands. We should know the client's main problem first, then find a solution to the problem and outline the steps to get there. Once we know these, we can be creative in making designs based on the problem we solved.
I always ask clients for these Q&A before creating designs:
• What is the problem for their brand? This discussion helps us to find and create solutions from the client's existing problems they're experiencing with their current brand, logo or website.
• What do they want to achieve? All of my clients have different preferences when it comes to their brand, even if they have something similar when it comes to their niche or business. I always make sure that each one of their designs will be distinct and include their unique goals and visions.
• What do they envision with the end product(s)? What is the experience the client hopes to share with their customers?
• Can they share some of their inspirational designs or websites to look at? It is super helpful for us designers to know the client's rough ideas visually, so we can work on creating / delivering more of what needs to be done.

After the Q&A session, I can now think of a better solution to their needs by rough sketching logos or creating wireframes based on the combination of their and my ideas.
For web designs, a good interface design should not only be visually pleasing but also responsive on all devices and user friendly to visitors and customers. Wireframing saves time and effort during the design process because it can bring clarity to the goals you're trying to accomplish.
I have a short video here on the steps I take in my design work, and you can learn more about wireframing, building portfolios and my graphic design process here on my YouTube channel.
What are your favorite design tools, and how does Concepts fit into your workflow?
My top creative / design tools are Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and XD, but currently, I’m using Figma now in creating mockups. Before I finalize my designs, I first go through my iPad and use Concepts to sketch all of my ideas for creating logos and web designs. I actually started in pen and paper for years but my storage box got full, it was packed with notebooks and used pens. I got so overwhelmed, I decided to invest in an iPad. I saw Concepts years ago on Instagram, I hurriedly downloaded it and have been so happy ever since!

Do you have any creative tips or advice for designers?
Small or big, don’t be afraid to share your artwork or designs online or offline. Be confident in what you’re doing and eventually it will pay off. I was in a dark zone when I started my design journey because heck, I thought, it’s all about the degree you have. I don’t have any design or multimedia degree - in fact, I have a medical one, a BS in Nursing to be exact. Super unrelated. But I’m totally wrong, it’s all about how dedicated and passionate you are to do and learn new things. So keep on growing and be brave!

Hello creative people! I’m Franz, a graphics / web designer and developer based here in the Philippines. I’m a self-taught designer and front-end coder working as a freelancer for almost 8 years already. Here is my website, follow me on Instagram, and check out my design videos here on my YouTube channel.
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