Concepts is an infinite, flexible creative tool for all your good ideas. Available on iOS, Windows and Android.

Design and Illustration Highlights 2018

Some of our favorite pieces from our brilliantly talented community in 2018.

For inspiration, for thanks, and to cheerfully welcome in the new year, we present you with a handful of highlights from 2018. You know that you literally rock the world with your talents and creativity, right?

Chair Design by Can Seferoglu

White-on-white workflow by Ben Greasley at Solo Architecture

Urban Art WIP by Jonathan Grauel

Interior design variants by Anna Vondergasse

Future with a view by @dthomas_architect

Parkway Architectural Concept by Eric Chuah

Paint the Sky by Anna Dubroffskaya

Landscape Design Study by Anna Pavlovna

Primary Elevation (aka our dream home) by David Clynk

Plan View by Paul Ian

Thanks to everyone for sharing your accomplishments, creative efforts and time with us. Your kindness, contributions and encouragement mean the world to us — you are truly the best. May you have a stellar 2019.

The Concepts Team


Concepts Art and Design Highlights of 2019 - A handful of amazing Concepts artists and designers in 2019.

Designing Architecture Beyond the Limits - Architect Sean Gallagher discusses design workflows and strategies for competitive architectural design.

The Art of Storyboarding - Illustrator Mimi Chao shares how storyboarding helped her launch her successful Kickstarter campaign.