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Articles & Tutorials

Follow along with these how-tos and learn something new from people who use Concepts in their everyday creative flow. There’s something for everyone, with new articles all the time.

Concepts for Business

We’re introducing Concepts for Business, a simplified billing solution for teams. Start a 30-day free trial for you and your teammates!


Getting Started with Concepts Pro Features

Want to learn what’s in Concepts Pro Subscription? In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn the power of our advanced tools and how to use them to improve your sketching, designing and note-taking.


iCloud Drive is Finally Here!

Learn how to use iCloud Drive to sync your drawings and create a seamless experience across Apple devices.


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Alt aber gut

Wir haben Dutzende von Anleitungen, Workflow-Demonstrationen und andere Videos für frühere Versionen von Concepts erstellt - viele dieser Konzepte gelten noch immer in der aktuellen Version. Sie werden etwas anders aussehen, aber sie sind vollgestopft mit guten Zeichentechniken, die die Zeit überdauern.

Concepts Watercolor TutorialConcepts Eraser TutorialConcepts Layers Tutorial
Quote wrapper image

[A] productivity bonus is to sketch ideas in meetings and throw them up on a big screen in real time, then send them to the attendees while they are still in the meeting.

Craig Burns, Architect

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