Classrooms use Concepts for Free
Concepts is available to teachers and their students for FREE.
Here’s what educators using Concepts say:
“Thank you for extending support to our school. I have been amazed at how natural note-taking has become since using Concepts. Our school definitely will benefit from this.” - Ashwandh Sreekumar, Excel Group of Schools
Educators can enhance student learning with our digital sketchbook designed for visual thinking, note-taking and markup.
Here’s what you and your students can do using Concepts:
Explore ideas on our infinite canvas with realistic pens, pencils and brushes
Experience flexible, vector-based sketching in HSL, RGB and COPIC colors
Create mind maps and visually organize thoughts and ideas
Take notes during class and annotate course handouts
Markup and share homework
Design lecture materials
Share presentations

Because at Concepts, we’re on a mission to promote visual literacy and support education.
We know that visual thinking improves communication, participation and learning outcomes.
That’s why we offer our app and other resources for free to help students learn by thinking and communicating visually.
Who can use it?
Teachers and students across all grade levels at qualifying schools can use Concepts for free.
This includes universities and not-for-profit online learning courses.
Please note that we cannot take applications from students or issue licenses to individual students. If you are a student who’d like to use Concepts at your school, please ask a staff member to apply.
How does it work?
Option 1: Direct Licensing
If you're an educator at a qualifying school and are interested in receiving free app licenses to share with your classroom, contact our team at education@concepts.app.
Option 2: Google for Education

We’ve partnered with Google for Education to share Concepts with students and teachers.
Find us on Google for Education App Hub to start learning with Concepts today!
Classroom Stories
Teaching Digital Sketching in the Classroom with Damian Parker (YouTube) - Learn simple digital sketching techniques to help your students gain confidence drawing in this free Zoom Workshop with Apple Educator Damian Parker and The Big Draw.
Concepts: the Future of Design in Architecture and Education, with Architect Evan Bronstein (YouTube) - At the St. Louis Center of Creative Arts, Bronstein uses Concepts to teach the basics of design and architecture.
Design Technology in the Classroom: Rising Into Success at St Cyres School, with Apple Educator Damian Parker - How Apple Distiguished St Cyres School has incorporated digital resources into the classroom and given students a step up in design learning.
A Year Using Concepts at St Cyres School, with Apple Educator Damian Parker - How the students and faculty at Apple Distinguished St Cyres School digitally designed their projects with Concepts App in the classroom.
Teaching Strategic Thinking Skills to Air Force Pilots, with Major John Webb - Major John Webb of the U.S. Air Force teaches strategic thinking to pilot students with Concepts and his iPad.
Student Stories
Creating Timeless Interior Design, with Interior Design Student Anna Aeschbacher - Interior design student Anna Aeschbacher shares how she transforms a historical shop into a cultural bar for her client.
One Point Perspective Sketching, with Architectural Student Bhupesh Malviya - Bhupesh Malviya shares how to draw an architectural sketch using One Point Perspective.
Designing Art and Space with Emotion, with Architectural Student Maha Alamri - Designer Maha Alamri shares how emotion creates compelling spaces in art and architecture.
Drawing and Concepts App Tutorials
Learn to Draw Series (YouTube) - Filled with drawing techniques and practice assignments shared by designer Lasse Pekkala, this free Learn to Draw YouTube series is appropriate for all students and educators who would like to improve their sketching abilities.
How to Save the Earth with a Sketch, with Earth Endeavours - For kids and adults — learn how to create a visual solution for real-world change using your pencil, a piece of paper and a few great ideas.
How to Sketch with a Perspective Grid - These drawing exercises will help you learn how to use 1-point, 2-point and 3-point perspective grids to sketch designs and illustrations.
How to Create Lined Paper for Note Taking and Handwriting - Learn how to set up lined paper for note taking and handwriting practice on your infinite canvas.
Connecting to Your Audience with Presentation Mode - Learn how to connect your Concepts canvas to the big screen and present live with AirPlay on iOS.
How to Virtual Whiteboard on Your iPad - Connect your iPad and iPhone to video conferencing apps and sketch live with Concepts.
Do you have an education story you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it! Please send us an email at support@concepts.app. Thanks!